今大会のプログラム変更や交通機関の運休など諸事情で対面発表できなかった発表者・発表グループの方々で、返金処理をされない場合、「発表済み」か「JAAL in JACETへ移行する」かを選択することができます。このことについては来週9月9日(月)からHPで皆さまの意向を伺うアンケートを開始いたしますので、しばらくお待ちいただければ幸いです。
Dear Participants of the 63rd JACET International Convention,
For presenters or presentation groups who were unable to give their presentations in person due to program changes or transportation disruptions during this convention, and who do not request a refund, you will have the option to choose between being considered “Presented” or transferring your presentation to the JAAL in JACET. We will be conducting a survey to gather your preferences regarding this matter starting next Monday, September 9th, via our website. We kindly ask for your patience until then.
Additionally, for those who choose to be considered “Presented,” please note that we will be able to issue a “Certificate of Presentation” based on the survey results. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
First Division Committee (International Convention)