The Japan Association of College English Teachers

Selected Papers

Call for Papers: JACET International Convention Selected Papers, Vol.11
JACET International Convention Selected Papers, Volume 11 (a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal) calls for papers in the following three categories:

-Research Articles on pedagogy and topics of significance to teachers of English
-Symposium Papers on relevant issues to teachers of English(one per symposium)
-Practitioner Reports to share findings and insights

Please note that the content featured in poster presentations is not eligible for submission to this year’s Selected Papers.

The submission period is from September 18, 2024 through October 23, 2024. (The deadline is 23:59 Japan Standard Time.)

Submitted manuscripts must be based on a presentation given at the JACET 63rd International Convention (Nagoya, 2024). Observe the submission period, even if you have chosen to present your paper at JAAL-in JACET. The first contributor must be a member of JACET at the time of submission. Please note that membership application takes at least a few business days. All other contributors must have also presented the work at the convention.

Manuscripts must be created using the template and submitted through the JACET website submission form. Make sure you read through the guidelines here before you prepare your manuscript.


Second Division (Academic Publications) Committee
Contact: publications<at>
※Replace “<at>” with “@” in the above address.




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