The Japan Association of College English Teachers

Presidential Message

Message from the President

August 5, 2022

Dear JACET members and supporters.

It is with great honor and excitement that I assume the position of the 9th President of The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET).

In 1962, JACET was established in a time of educational reform in order to improve the state of English language education. Those involved were strongly convinced of the need to solve college-level problems related to English language education so as to improve its teaching at all levels of the education system.

Six types of JACET activities are stipulated in Article 5 of the JACET Statutes (Teikan). Each activity is described in terms of its objectives, target, scale, publicity and expected results as follows:

First Activity:
Holding a national convention, seminars and other meetings for the presentation of theories of university education and language education as well as reports of practice results

Second Activity:
Publication of journals, bulletins, news and project reports

Third Activity:
Awarding JACET prizes to scholars associated with university education, academic associations and institutions

Fourth Activity:
Research and study of theories and practices of university English education and related language education

Fifth Activity:
Exchange of scholars with affiliate associations

Sixth Activity:
Other activities necessary to accomplish the objectives of this association

JACET consists of the Headquarters and seven chapters: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku-Shikoku and Kyushu-Okinawa. The Board of Directors (Rijikai) includes one president, one vice-presidents, seven chapter presidents, ten appointed directors and two auditors.

JACET is now officially affiliated with eleven associations and institutions: AILA, RELC (Singapore), KATE (South Korea), ETA-ROC (Taiwan), ALAK (South Korea), MELTA (Malaysia), PKETA (South Korea), CELEA (China), Thai-TESOL (Thailand), TEFLIN (Indonesia) and JALT (Japan).

With over 2,200 members who share the common goal of improving English language education in Japan and wherever else this is necessary, JACET continues to progress and grow.

As the new president of this very active academic association, I will strive to do my best during my two-year term and look forward to working with you.

Sincerely yours,

Masaki Oda, Ph. D.
President of JACET




会長 小田眞幸(玉川大学教授)




一 大学英語教育及び言語教育関連の研究理論の発表及びその実践結果の報告のための大会、セミナー等の開催
二 紀要、学会誌等の出版物の刊行
三 大学英語教育に係る研究者・学術団体・諸機関の実践活動に対する表彰
四 大学英語教育に係る研究者・学術団体・諸機関との協力
五 大学英語教育及び言語教育関連の理論及びその実践方法に関する調査・研究
六 前各号に掲げるもののほか、この法人の目的を達成するために必要な事業


また、本学会は、AILA、RELC(シンガポール)、KATE(韓国)、ETA-ROC(台湾)、ALAK(韓国)、MELTA(マレーシア)、PKETA(韓国)、CELEA(中国)、 Thai-TESOL(タイ)、TEFLIN(インドネシア)、JALT(日本)の国内外11学会と 提携しております。



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