April 1, 2017
JACET 44th Summer Seminar (2017, Tokyo)
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the globalized world: research and implications for practice
ELF is one of the most important and fast-growing research fields in applied linguistics. It challenges many established ideas about how English is used and taught, and for this reason its nature has not always been fully understood and has often been misunderstood. This seminar therefore aims firstly, at a conceptual clarification of the nature of ELF; secondly, at introducing the developments and future possibilities of ELF research; and finally, at exploring the implications of this research for language pedagogy. It is hoped that the seminar will become a forum for English language teaching practitioners, policy makers, materials writers, researchers and students to exchange their views on the pedagogy of English language teaching in the light of an understanding of the nature of English used as a lingua franca in the globalized world.
Dates: Saturday, August 26 – Sunday, August 27, 2017
Venue: Waseda University (Main Conference Room, 4th floor, Bldg.11 Waseda Campus);1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050
Invited speakers & Lecture titles:
Dr. Barbara Seidlhofer (Univ. Prof. of University of Vienna, Austria)
– Lecture 1 Taking stock: English and globalization: the challenge of change
– Lecture 4 Looking ahead: prospects for the study of English as a lingua franca
Dr. Henry Widdowson (Hon. Prof. of University of Vienna, Austria)
– Lecture 2 What does the E in TESOL stand for?
– Lecture 5 Lingua franca and lingual capability: the pedagogic implications of ELF
Dr. Kumiko Murata (Prof. of Waseda University)
– Lecture 3 The realities of the use of English in the globalised world and the teaching of English: a discrepancy?
Program outline:
Saturday, August 26th
10:00 Registration
10:45 Opening/Orientation
11:00 Lecture 1: Barbara Seidlhofer
12:30 Lunch break (Publishers’ exhibitions)
13:30 Lecture 2: Henry Widdowson
15:00 Poster session
16:00 Lecture 3: Kumiko Murata
18:00 Dinner event
Sunday, August 27th
10:00 Lecture 4: Barbara Seidlhofer
11:30 Poster session
12:30 Lunch break (Publishers’ exhibitions)
13:30 Lecture 5: Henry Widdowson
15:00 Closing ceremony
Participants: JACET members and anyone interested in the theme of this seminar
Number of participants: 130
Application deadline: Friday, July 7, 2017 (Postmarked)
Applications will be closed upon reaching 130 participants. Late applications will not be accepted.
Seminar participation fee: 11,000 yen (Graduate/Undergraduate students: 1,000 yen)
Application procedure:
Please pay the seminar participation fee via one of the following three methods:
1) Registered mail
Include the completed application form (参加申込書) with the application fee (in cash), and submit through registered mail (現金書留/Genkin-kakitome). Please note that it must be registered mail – cash may not be sent via regular mail.
2) Japan post-bank transfer
Make a transfer through the post office or post office ATM to the following account:
Account number: 00110-7-61932
Account name: JACET (一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会)
Include “Summer seminar participation fee” (サマーセミナー研修参加費) in the details (通信欄).
Please post or email a receipt of the transfer to the postal address or the e-mail address below, with your completed application form (参加申込書).
3) Bank transfer
Make a transfer from a bank or bank ATM to the following account:
Bank name (code) / 銀行名 (金融機関コード): Japan Post Bank (9900) / ゆうちょ銀行 (9900)
Branch name (code) / 店名 (店番): Zero Ichi Kyuu (019) / 〇一九 (019)
Account type (預金種目): TOZA (当座)
Account number (口座番号): 0061932
Account name (口座名称): 一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会 [シヤ) ダイガクエイゴキヨウイクガツカイ]
Please post or email a receipt of the transfer to the postal address or e-mail address below, with your completed application form (参加申込書).
Note: Registration will be completed when we have received proof of payment. You will be notified via email once registration has been completed.
Postal address: Yokoteramachi 55, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0831; JACET Attn: Summer Seminar Organizing Committee
Cancellation: The registration fee cannot be refunded for any reason. Please note that the fee may not be refunded for partial attendance. Your personal information will be used exclusively for JACET-related activities.
Poster session applications:
We are accepting poster session applications for attendees of this year’s summer seminar.
* The content should be related to the theme of the seminar and be related to university endeavors in English education or your own English education programs.
* This year’s poster session will include examples of English education in practice and will provide an opportunity to receive comments from the invited lecturers.
* The poster size may be up to A0 size (1 sheet, portrait).
* The first presenter must be a JACET member in order to submit an application.
Application procedure:
Please send an MS Word attachment via email to the JACET office ( ) with the subject “44th Summer Seminar Proposal Submission”. Please include the names of presenters, JACET membership numbers, and affiliation in your email. The MS Word file should include the proposal for your poster (including the title), and be no longer than 1 page.
Deadline for application: Friday, June 9, 2017
Applications will be evaluated after the above deadline, and applicants will be contacted with the results.
JACET Headquarters
Phone: 03-3268-9686
Application Form and Program(poster):
2017 summer seminar application form
2017 summer seminar program(PDF)
2017年 4月1日
一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会(JACET) 第44回(2017年度) サマーセミナー案内
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the globalized world: research and implications for practice
(グローバル社会における国際語としての英語 ― 研究知見と実践への応用)
日 時: 2017年 8月26日(土) ~ 8月27日(日)
場 所: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス11号館4階大会議室
〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
講師および講義タイトル (以下敬称略):
Barbara Seidlhofer University of Vienna, Austria
講義1 Taking stock: English and globalization: the challenge of change
講義4 Looking ahead: prospects for the study of English as a lingua franca
Henry Widdowson University of Vienna, Austria
講義2 What does the E in TESOL stand for?
講義5 Lingua franca and lingual capability: the pedagogic implications of ELF
村田 久美子 早稲田大学
講義3 The realities of the use of English in the globalised world and the teaching of English: a discrepancy?
内 容:
10:00 受付開始
10:45 開会・オリエンテーション
11:00 – 12:30 講義1 Barbara Seidlhofer
12:30 – 13:30 休憩 (昼食・展示)
13:30 – 15:00 講義2 Henry Widdowson
15:00 – 16:00 ポスターセッション
16:00 – 17:30 講義3 村田 久美子
18:00 – 懇親会
10:00 – 11:30 講義4 Barbara Seidlhofer
11:30 – 12:30 ポスターセッション
12:30 – 13:30 休憩 (昼食・展示)
13:30 – 15:00 講義5 Henry Widdowson
15:00 – 15:10 閉会式
対 象: JACET会員、英語教育に携わっている方、今回のテーマに関心のある方など
定 員: 130名
参加費: 11,000円 (大学院生・学生 1,000円)
参加申込締切: 2017年7月7日(金) (但し、定員になり次第締め切り)
参加申込方法: 研修参加費は以下の3通りの方法のいずれかでお支払ください。
1) 現金書留: 同封の(またはJACETのウェブサイト(http://www.jacet.org/)にある)「参加申込書」に必要事項を記入し、研修参加費とともに『現金書留』で送付する。
2) 郵便局からの振込: 郵便局に備え付けの払込取扱票、ATMにより「口座番号:00110-7-61932 加入者名:一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会」へ、通信欄に「サマーセミナー研修参加費」と記入し振り
3) 銀行等からの振込: 銀行窓口、ATMから「銀行名(金融機関コード):ゆうちょ銀行(9900) 店名(店番):〇一九(ゼロイチキュウ)店(019) 預金種目:当座 口座番号:0061932 口座名称:一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会[シヤ) ダイガクエイゴキヨウイクガツカイ] へ振り込み、振込が確認できるもの(受領証のコピー)を「参加申込書」とともに郵送またはEメール添付で送信する。
*注意: 「入金確認」をもって受付完了とします。受付が完了しましたらEメールで連絡します。
送付先: 〒162-0831 東京都新宿区横寺町55 一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会 サマーセミナー事業委員会
キャンセル: 研修参加費は、いかなる理由であっても返金いたしません。また、部分参加の場合でも返金はいたしません。参加申込書の情報はJACETでの活動のためにのみ使用されます。
* 内容はセミナーの主旨に即した各大学の英語教育の取り組みやご自身が係る英語教育プログラム等の紹介を求めます。
* ポスターセッションでは実践例の報告をし、講師の先生方からコメントをいただく予定です。
* ポスターサイズはA0サイズ1枚分が掲示可能です。
* ポスターセッションの応募は第1発表者がJACET会員であることを条件とします。
応募方法: JACET事務局( )宛にMS Word文書でEメール送信してください。メールの件名は「44th Summer Seminar Proposal Submission」とし、発表者全員の氏名、会員番号、所属をメールに明記し、発表要旨(A4判1ページ[タイトルを含む])を添付してください。
応募締切: 2017年 6月 9日(金) (厳守)
問い合わせ先: 一般社団法人 大学英語教育学会 TEL:03-3268-9686 Eメール:
2017 summer seminar application form
2017 summer seminar program(PDF)