Last updated: July 5th, 2019
The 58th JACET International Convention (Nagoya, 2019)
Dates: August 28th (Wed.) – 30th (Fri.), 2019
Venue: Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555 JAPAN
Theme: Beyond ‘Borderless’: English Education in a Changing Society
‘A very little key will open a very heavy door’
(Charles Dickens, 1812-1870)
It is imminent that societal forces in one way or another have an impact on language education in general. In our contemporary society characterized by globalization and technology, there is an increasing movement among the various disciplines, nations, and cultures to transcend borders or boundaries. Under such circumstances, how can we accommodate and understand the fluidity and flexibility required to embrace diversity? How do we account for the tension created as we move from traditions and innovations, theory and practice, and even the academic sphere and business world?
The 58th JACET International Convention (Nagoya, 2019) will provide stimulating forum for researchers and practitioners to collectively rethink the directions and significance of current English language education in a world where the implications of borders and boundaries are controversial. For instance, in an era where AI robots are capable of human-like communication, what will be the role of human teachers? What are the issues and challenges in incorporating technology into our classrooms? Will there be changes in our communicative practices and interactions? The objective of the conference is to gather together to develop and share broad perspectives on English education in order to achieve the educational goals sought in this ‘trans’ paradigmatic world. The heavy door of the future awaits.
Inquiries: The JACET International Convention Organizing Committee
TEL: 03-3268-9686
日 程: 2019年8月28日(水)・29日(木)・30日(金)
会 場: 名古屋工業大学
〒466-8555 愛知県名古屋市昭和区御器所町
テーマ: 「ボーダーレス」の先に―変革する社会における英語教育
趣 旨:
(C. ディケンズ 小池・石塚訳『ディケンズ短編集』)
大学英語教育学会(JACET)第58回国際大会(名古屋、2019)は、このような境界の曖昧性が進んだ結果生まれつつある「ボーダーレス」社会の先を見据えた英語教育について考える機会を提供し、目指すべき方向性やその意義について研究者や実践者のためのフォーラムの場としたい。AIロボットが人間とコミュニケーションするようになり、近未来において、生身の英語教員の意義や役割は何なのか、教室でのテクノロジーの関わりや、コミュニケーションそのものの変容はあるのか。「ボーダーレス」の先にある ‘trans’ paradigmaticな世界の中における英語教育は、その小さな部分かもしれない。しかし「ほんの小さい鍵が重い扉を開けることだってある」のである。
問い合わせ先: 大学英語教育学会国際大会組織委員会
TEL: 03-3268-9686
JAAL-in-JACET Lecture:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Perrin (AILA President) & Dr. Marlies Whitehouse (AILA Treasurer)
Beyond Disciplines, Domains, and Languages: Theory and Practice of Applied Linguistics in, with, and for a Changing Society
Abstract: Transgressing boundaries between disciplines, research fields, and epistemologies has long been considered a promising way to get to grips with real-world problems and to “accommodate and understand the fluidity and flexibility required to embrace diversity” (JACET 2019 Conference outline). Starting in the early 1960s in pedagogy and natural sciences, key concepts of transdisciplinarity have developed into drivers of applied research in social sciences and, more recently, in applied linguistics.
On closer examination, however, it becomes obvious that principles of transdisciplinarity, such as translating between academics’ and practitioners’ languages (Maguire, 2015), have always been at the core of applied linguistics. Understanding and critically discussing both the current state and potential directions of transdisciplinary research “on, for, and with practitioners” (Cameron et al., 1992, 22) can help us develop sustainable solutions to socially relevant problems (Perrin, 2018).
Based on two decades of text production research in professional settings such as education, but also media and finance and their “language of numbers” (Whitehouse, 2018), this keynote presents and critically discusses key principles of transdisciplinary research in applied linguistics.
Findings show that combining applied linguistics with transdisciplinarity can result in advantages on two levels: From a product perspective, collaborating with practitioners benefits both practical and theoretical outcomes. From a process perspective, applied linguists’ knowledge of mediating between languages enables and intensifies collaboration throughout research projects. This fosters mutual learning – and contributes to positioning applied linguists as strong players in mixed research teams facing a rapidly changing, ‘trans’ paradigmatic world.
・Cameron, Deborah, Frazer, Elizabeth, Rampton, Ben, & Richardson, Kay. (1992). Researching language. Issues of power and method. London: Routledge.
・Maguire, Kate. (2015). Transdisciplinarity as translation. In Paul Gibbs (Ed.), Transdisciplinary professional learning and practice (pp. 165–177). New York: Springer.
・Perrin, Daniel, & Kramsch, Claire. (2018). Transdisciplinarity in applied linguistics. AILA Review, 31.
・Whitehouse, Marlies. (2018). The language of numbers. Transdisciplinary action research and financial communication. AILA review, 31.
Daniel Perrin is Professor of Applied Linguistics; Vice President, Zurich University of Applied Sciences; President, International Association of Applied Linguistics AILA; Editor of the International Journal of Applied Linguistics and the de Gruyter Handbook of Applied Linguistics series. Areas of research include media linguistics, methodology of applied linguistics, and text production research.
Marlies Whitehouse is Treasurer of the International Association of Applied Linguistics and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Business Communication. She works at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, where she investigates production contexts, communicative processes, and text products in finance. Her publications include special issues on The Pragmatics of Financial Communication.
Plenary Lecture:
1. Prof. Dr. Angel M. Y. Lin (Simon Fraser U.)
Translanguaging and Multimodal Approaches to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Innovating with the Multimodalities-Entextualization Cycle (MEC)
Abstract: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a rapidly growing area of research and practice in many parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia where many schools and universities are using CLIL as a way to integrate content learning with the learning of English-as-an-additional language. However, how do we help students to make ‘alien’ words and foreign ways of speaking/writing/thinking in foreign/additional languages/academic registers their own? In this presentation, I shall describe how translanguaging (Garcí and Li, 2014) and multimodal approaches (Danielsson, 2016) can facilitate students’ expansion of their communicative repertoires to gradually make foreign ways of speaking/writing/registers their own. I shall discuss how teachers can design spaces for translanguaging and trans-semiotizing (Lin 2015) and spaces for target language/register use in the different stages of a curriculum genre (Rothery 1996). The Multimodalities-Extextualization Cycle (MEC) was proposed as a specific curriculum genre to achieve this aim (Lin 2015, 2016). While Stages 1 and 2 in the MEC allow for the uninterrupted flow of meaning-making and pedagogical support through translanguaging and trans-semiotizing, the third stage allows students to have a space to practise orienting their meaning making towards the discourse and cultural patterns required by the school and academia for successful participation in future assessment tasks and for expanding their communicative repertoires. In this stage, scaffolding needs to be provided (e.g. useful vocabulary, sentence patterns, writing/speaking starters). The MEC in principle can be reiterated without an end-point to emphasize the equal importance of all the multiple linguistic and multimodal resources. The MEC is thus proposed as a heuristic tool for CLIL educators to think about how to design systematic scaffolding in Content-based language education and CLIL classrooms.
Angel M. Y. Lin is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Plurilingual and Intercultural Education at Simon Fraser University, Canada. She is well-respected for her interdisciplinary research in classroom analysis, bilingual and plurilingual education, academic literacies, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and language policy in postcolonial contexts. She has published over 100 research articles and 7 research books. Her recent book, Language Across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Contexts, was published by Springer in 2016.
2. Prof. Dr. Akira Tajino (Nagoya U. of Foreign Studies)
ELT Research Revisited: A Soft Systems Approach
英語教育研究は、言語学や教育学、心理学など、さまざまな学問領域と関わりながら、語彙研究、文法研究、学習者論、教師論、授業研究、ESP研究などによって構成されている。たとえば、本学会(JACET)には約50もの研究会(SIG)が存在している。各研究会においては、活発な議論や調査研究が行われ、その成果は国内外の学術誌や専門誌、研究大会をとおして発表されている。一方で、研究会同士の交流にはいまだ発展の余地が残っている。個々の専門分野の細分化は、JACETの研究会に限らず、学問の深化においてある意味当然であろう。しかしながら、英語教育研究は本来、学際的な性質を有するものであることから、分野間交流のより一層の活性化が望まれる。近年では、研究者間の交流にとどまらず、産官学連携や学会連携をも目指すJAAL in JACET学術交流集会といった新たな交流の動きも見られる。
Akira Tajino, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, is Professor of Educational Linguistics at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. His recent publications include A New Approach to English Pedagogical Grammar: The Order of Meanings (Routledge, 2018) and A Systems Approach to Language Pedagogy (Springer, 2019). He has served on the editorial panels of several journals, including ELT Journal (OUP).