The Japan Association of College English Teachers

JACET Journal No.70 Online Submission Form

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JACET Journal No.70 
Online Submission Form

Online Submission

  • To submit a JACET Journal No.70, please complete this form.
  • Your JACET Journal No.70 cannot be renewed or re-submitted once it is submitted.
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent to the first author’s email address.

Period of submission:

from February 04, 2025
to 23:59 Japan Standard Time, May 15, 2025

    Journal information

    Title in English * required
    (Only content words (N, V, Adj, Adv, and long Prep) should be capitalised in word-initial except for the first word. cf. APA Title Case )
    * Do not include line breaks.
    Example:English Out, Englishes In: Aspects of Multiglobalism
    タイトル (日本語)
    * 改行はしないでください

    Submission Category * required
    * Choose one field most relevant to your manuscript

    Language of the paper * required

    Keyword 1 * required
    Keyword 2
    Keyword 3
    Keyword 4
    Keyword 5

    Relevant field * required
    * Choose one field most relevant to your manuscript
    Others (If the Relevant field is Others)
    Relevant field 2 * required
    * Choose one field most relevant to your manuscript
    Relevant field 3 * required
    * Choose one field most relevant to your manuscript

    Checklist for submission & Attachment
    No.1 * required
    The manuscript conforms to the Submission Guidelines, the Manuscript Sample and the Format Checklist.
    (原稿はSubmission Guidelines, Manuscript Sample, Format Checklistの記載に合致しているか。)
    Checked No.2 * required
    Permission is granted for all copied graphics and charts.
    CheckedNot applicable No.3 * required
    Only data from the participants who had given their consent was utilized
    in the analysis.
    CheckedNot applicable Attachment * required
    Submit both Word and PDF files. Make the author of the document unidentifiable to reviewers by checking and editing the "Properties" information of your files.
    Word, Maximum file size : 10M
    PDF, Maximum file size : 10M

    Author #1
    Family name * required
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Jasetsu
    Given and other names * required
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Tomiko
    Full name
    (in vernacular notation)
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 蛇節トミ子
    Affiliation in English * required
    Example: University of English Education
    Affiliation in vernacular notation
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 英語教育大学

    JACET membership number * required
    * Membership number in 7 digits, typed in 1-byte characters
    * Your JACET membership number can be found in the JACET membership directory or on the address label of postal mail from the JACET Office.
    Example: 0006789

    Postal code * required
    Example:123-4567 (with hyphen)
    Postal address * required
    (Japanese or Roman characters)
    Contact phone number * required
    Example:03-1234-5678 (with hyphen)
    Email address * required
    * Type correctly in 1-byte characters.
    * A copy of your data will automatically be sent to this email address.

    Author #2
    Family name
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Jasetsu
    Given and other names
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Tomiko
    Full name
    (in vernacular notation)
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 蛇節トミ子
    Affiliation in English
    Example: University of English Education
    Affiliation in vernacular notation
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 英語教育大学

    JACET membership number
    * Membership number in 7 digits, typed in 1-byte characters
    * Your JACET membership number can be found in the JACET membership directory or on the address label of postal mail from the JACET Office.
    Example: 0006789

    Postal code
    Example:123-4567 (with hyphen)
    Postal address
    (Japanese or Roman characters)
    Contact phone number
    Example:03-1234-5678 (with hyphen)
    Email address * Type correctly in 1-byte characters.
    * A copy of your data will automatically be sent to this email address.

    Author #3
    Family name
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Jasetsu
    Given and other names
    (in alphabetical notation)
    Example: Tomiko
    Full name
    (in vernacular notation)
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 蛇節トミ子
    Affiliation in English
    Example: University of English Education
    Affiliation in vernacular notation
    (for authors in Japanese)
    Example: 英語教育大学

    JACET membership number
    * Membership number in 7 digits, typed in 1-byte characters
    * Your JACET membership number can be found in the JACET membership directory or on the address label of postal mail from the JACET Office.
    Example: 0006789

    Postal code
    Example:123-4567 (with hyphen)
    Postal address
    (Japanese or Roman characters)
    Contact phone number
    Example:03-1234-5678 (with hyphen)
    Email address * Type correctly in 1-byte characters.
    * A copy of your data will automatically be sent to this email address.

    If there are more than four authors, write all authors' information on a separate file and send to the JACET office by e-mail: author names, affiliation, membership number, postal code, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
    (JACET e-mail address:

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