Abstract Submission (Proposal Submission)
Please read Call for Papers before entering the form. Abstract sample is available here (in English and 日本語)
- To submit an application for the JACET 64th International Convention (Tokyo, 2025), please fill in the following form.
- Your abstract cannot be renewed or re-submitted once it is submitted.
- Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author’s email address by March 31st.
Period of submission:
From January 6th (Mon.), 2025
To February 6th (Mon.), 2025 (11:59:59 p.m. JST)
If the submission is recorded on our server after February 6th, 2025, 23:59:59 JST, it will not be accepted. Please pay careful attention to the deadline for submission of proposals (see below).
- Title and affiliation in English and name in Roman characters are required irrespective of the language you wish to present in.
- Do not use special characters in 2-byte characters such as (Copyright) and (Registered) in a circle, ‘Trademark’ and Roman numerals in 1 character, or smart quotations in 2-byte codes. Troubles may typically appear when you copy and paste phrases from a MS Word document. Avoid them by typing directly in 1-byte characters or by copying from a text editor.
- タイトル、所属の英語名、ローマ字での名前は発表言語にかかわらず必要です。
- 英語を入力する場合、全角文字は使用しないでください。日本語を入力する場合、文字化けを避けるため、特殊文字は一切使用しないでください。とくに、Wordからコピーする場合、入力時に全角文字や特殊文字に自動的に変換されていることがあるのでご注意ください。引用符やダッシュ、コピーライトなどの特殊文字を使用する際は、入力画面にコピーしてから該当文字を1バイト文字で書き直すか(例:© → (c))、テキストエディタで入力したものをコピーしてください。